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PostIcon Отправлено: августа 29 2019,04:33  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

During the holidays, I joined the county to find the ranks of ancient trees. In the Mulan Town of Mucheng Town, Yucheng County, there is a Guolou Village. I saw an ancient mulberry tree and heard the story about this tree. This village is called "Guo Lou". In fact, the current Guolou Village has only Li and Hu surnames, who have fled from the field to settle here. "Open the porch, you can talk about the wine." The former Guolou Village is like this. Guolou Village originally had a very grand building. The owner of the building owns 800 acres of fertile land. He is diligent in his work, prefers to grow mulberry and raise silkworms, and his family is well-off. He often receives people, and if he has escaped from the wild, he will give people food and give them to the fields, and those people will settle here. It is a pity that he has no children under his knees. He has never inherited the family business created by his life. Only one girl has already left the house. Later, the owner of Guo Lou died of illness and his family has declined. Guo surname has disappeared since then. The girl married to Zhengmenlou Village lived to 97 years old and died a few years ago. Guo Jiasheng&#65533;&#65533;s extremely small building collapsed because it could not withstand the erosion of wind and rain. The village where the surname Guo lived in the village was broken and ruined. Only an old mulberry tree stands by the road, watching the village quietly. Those who fled to settle here still follow the name of the village "Guo Lou", respecting this old mulberry tree and old mulberry tree, and even the dead branches that the mulberry trees fall will not go home to burn. Every year, the first and the fifteenth of the year come to the incense, praying for the old mulberry tree to protect this land peace, family harmony. The old mulberry trees were also very friendly to these new residents. In 939, when Japan invaded China, the tank soldiers passed by the road beside the trees. The elderly, women, and children all hid in the cornfield. The young and middle-aged men spontaneously organized themselves and took the opportunity to take a kitchen knife, a hoe, an iron fork, and a shovel. The villagers hiding in the cornfield clearly saw the Japanese tank hit the old mulberry tree. The tree did not fall Marlboro Red, but the tank stopped moving. The Japanese soldiers rushed around the tank and turned around. Look at it, the tank is open and there is no way to go. After several hours, the tank drove off. The villagers returned to the village from the crop fields. They rushed to see the old mulberry trees. The lower part of the trunk was knocked down by a large block. The bark was broken and the wound was deep Carton Of Cigarettes. The tank was so strong that the tree was not knocked down. The villagers discussed: "This old mulberry tree saved us and sinned for them. From then on, the villagers even admire this old mulberry tree. A villager pointed to the scars of the roots of the old mulberry tree and showed us: "More than 70 years have passed, this scar Still. This is the crime of Japan&#65533;&#65533;s aggression against China, which tells the world that Japan&#65533;&#65533;s great crimes committed in China Wholesale Cigarettes, and warned future generations to remember history and not forget the national humiliation. Struggling to rise, strong national strength, this old mulberry tree is firmly guarded, always alert us not to forget the national humiliation, and be prepared for danger.
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PostIcon Отправлено: октября 25 2019,13:11 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


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PostIcon Отправлено: октября 29 2019,16:04 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE


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